Making Home Repairs for our Neighbors in Need.

Workday June 7, 2025

Our 2025 Workday will be on Saturday June 7th. Mark your calendars and signup below If you want to volunteers, donate or you or someone you know is in need of home repair assistance. 


Join Hearts & Hammers. Our volunteers make a series difference helping our neighbors to live in a safe home.



Support the work that we do with your donation today. Funds go to purchase building materials for home repairs.

Apply for Assistance

If you are a homeowner in need of assistance with home repairs and live in the 98277 zip code. You can apply our homeowner assistance repair program.

We will open applications on January 1st 2025

Our Mission

North Whidbey Hearts & Hammers organizes an Annual Workday of "Neighbors helping Neighbors".
We bring together volunteers to make repairs for homeowners who are physically or financially unable to do the work.

About North Whidbey Hearts & Hammers

Our 2024 Workday was a resounding success.

  • 140 Volunteers
  • 15 Homeowners helped
  • 8800 lbs of garbage to the dump.
  • 130 sandwiches made and delivered
  • Taco bowl dinner for 100+ 

Each year we organize our workday, thikof it as a neighborhood workparty. We just do it in many neighborhoods at once. We bring together volunteers to make home repairs to keep our neighbor living in a safe home. Keeping our neighbors safe.

We raise funds from individuals, local businesses, and organizations to purchase building materials. Our all volunteer teams are lead by local builders, contractors and other talented leaders who lend us their expertise and work alongside out team of volunteers from various organizations to perform home repairs for our neighbors. 

For 2024, we plan to work on the homes for 15 homeowner. Each worksite will have several different projects being peformed, yard-work, painting, building decks, replacing flooring, replacing windows, installing smoke detectors, and CO monitors and the list goes on and on. 


8:00 AM Meet at Living Word Foursquare Church: 490 NW Crosby Ave., Oak Harbor
Grab a cup of coffee or juice, a donut and meet your fellow team members and your House Captain.
8:30 Head out to your worksite
12:00 Sack lunches will be delivered to your worksite.
4:30 Wrap up and head back to Living Word
5:00 Join our board members, volunteers, House Captains and homeowners for a celbratory dinner.

You will go home with a full belly and a warm heart, for you have done good things today.

Homeowners Application

We are still accepting application. The plan it to accept application until February 29th. We may close applications early due to the number received. 


  1. Must live on North Whidbey. (our service are is defined by the Oak Harbor School District boundaries)
  2. Must own your home.
  3. Must have a financial need.

There are three Hearts & Hammers organizations here on Whidbey Island. If you do not live in the Oak Harbor School District. (North of Penn Cove) please check with:

The Process:

  1. Submit your application
  2. We will call you, to review your information and answer questions.
  3. We will schedule a visit at your home to look at the work needed first hand. This allows us to determine if the projects fit with the scope of work we can do in 1 day with our volunteers.
  4. We will choose 12 homeowners for our 2024 workday by May 18, 2024
  5. Every applicant will receive a letter telling them if they were accepted for workday or not by March 15th.
  6. Accepted homeowners will receive a 2nd visit from the house captain in charge of their project to make a more detailed plan and determine the materials needed for workday.
  7. On May 18th a team of volunteers will show up around 9AM to begin work. They will work on the tope priority projects until the work is complete or 4:30 PM
  8. Homeowners will be invited to join us for a celebratory dinner with all of our volunteers.

We are a 100% volunteer organization from the board to the person fixing the door, replacing a window or painting the house. We are community of volunteers and we encourage you to join us meet some of your amazing neighbors and make a difference in someone's life. We can use people with talents of all kinds. Join us in building a community and making a difference by neighbors, helping neighbors. 

  • Yardwork
  • Painter
  • Carpenter
  • Handman
  • Landscaper
  • Electrician
  • Plumber 
  • Cook
  • Server
  • Driver
  • Organizer
  • Photographer
  • Social Media Guru
  • Contractor
  • Supervisor
  • Grant Writer
  • Fundraiser
  • Coordinator

Children must be age 12 or older to volunteer and be on the jobsite all minors must have a release signed by their parents. Minors under age 16 must be accompanied by a parent.  Download the Minor Release Form.

Support us Finacially

Nothing happens for free. We have materials to purchase and insurance to pay for. We are 100% supported by businesses, local organization, and individuals in the Oak Harbor community. Your donation to North Whidbey Hearts and Hammers makes a difference in someone's life. We are a small but effective and efficient. You can be sure that your donation will directly make a difference in someone's life. We make every dollar go as far as possible. No paid staff. No office. Just volunteers helping neighbors. Please consider making a generous donation today. 

Prefer to write a check? We accept checks too. We appreciate your support.
Mail your donations to:

North Whidbey Hearts and Hammers
316 SE Pioneer Way
Oak Harbor, WA 98277

Thank you to our Supporters

Thank you to each of our 2023 supporters. Without your financial support we could not purchase the materials necessary to do the work that we do. 

Home Depot Foundation
Ace Hardware
Rotary Club of Oak Harbor
Candlewod Suites
Best Western Plus
Evergreen Coast Construction
Chris' Bakery
Grocery Outlet
Ashley's Design
Would you like to be a supporter of our mission. - Email
Contact Us
  • 316 SE Pioneer Way #538, Oak Harbor, WA 98277316 SE Pioneer Way, Oak Harbor, WA, 98277, USA
  • 360-499-2005

DEI Policy
We are at 501(c)3 non-profit

Other Hearts & Hammers organizations serving Whidbey Island. We use the three school districts boundries as our service areas. 
Central Whidbey Hearts & Hammers - Serves Coupeville School District
South Whidbey Hearts & Hammers - Serves South Whidbey School District